Friday, April 17, 2009


«There is a young fellow in khaki building up on the left. I see a symbol over his head. It might be a Greek cross.»

«I`ll look that passage up.»

«Well, what about it?»

«I assure you we are very earnest and fairminded,» said Malone.

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Full reports of a number of these dramatic conversations are to be found in the last hundred pages of the late Admiral Usborne Moore`s Glimpses of the Next State. It should be said that the Admiral was not personally present at these sittings, but that

The hall was not too well lit and dark shadows lurked in the corners. The medium still bent her head as if her ears were straining. Then she raised her hand and the music stopped.

It was a Sunday evening in October, and the lights were just beginning to twinkle out through the fog which had shrouded London from early morning. Professor Challenger`s flat at Victoria West Gardens was upon the third floor, and th! e mist lay thick up

«You will soon get out.»

Next morning a scared maid broke into Linden`s modest study. «Please sir, it`s an officer.»

«She was your mother. She said so. She was weeping.»

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«They have message for you,» said the girl.

«Not necessarily. But, of course, it makes everything more difficult. If they will be quiet and reasonable we can get results. But they know nothing, break every law, and ruin their own sittings. There was old Sherbank, the doctor, the other day. When

«You don`t mind my frankness, Mr. Mason?»

«Ah, power run down!» said Mailey. «I think a little more music will set us right. `Lead, Kindly Light`»

«I was a damned fool to let you have my name when I made the appoi! ntment. You have been making inquiries. You don`t take me in with your tricks. I`ve had enough of it – more than enough!»

Challenger gave a wry smile.

«There`s just one more thing I want to say before I sit down. I`m not here to talk. I`m here to hold this chair down and I mean to do it. It`s a hard thing I ask. I want Spiritualists to keep away on Sunday nights. They take up the room that inquirers

At this point the conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Mr. John Terbane from Victoria Station, where his mundane duties lay. He was dressed now in civil garb and appeared as a pale, sad-faced, clean-shaven, plump-featured man with dreamy, tho

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